Cast – You Better Watch Out
Michelle Potter (Jenny Ryan) is pleased to share the stage this year with her husband, David. She is the co-founder of Catalyst Drama Ministry with David. Favorite previous Catalyst roles include Anne Weston in The Rented Christmas, Hilda in The Christmas Express and the bag lady in Nativity on the Square. She has also been involved with Cedar Park’s The Victor playing several roles (Claudia, Mary Magdalene, and Martha) as well as other Christmas productions (The Vision, Dad’s Christmas Miracle). She has also produced and acted with Fishnet Theatre (Happenstance Hotel, Annie Imes, Private Eye?). She has enjoys the camaraderie of this cast, but she especially loves the message of this play…family! She feels so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and four awesome kids, two of which have joined this year’s tech team.
Curtis Denmark (Tom Ryan) returns to Catalyst Drama after debuting in last year’s Christmas performance of The Rented Christmas. He also joined David Potter and others in Catalyst Drama’s 2012 Easter performance of The Flogging. He greatly enjoys being part of the team and experiencing behind the scenes the dedication and deep fellowship of the cast and crew. This year’s whimsical story reminds Curtis of how important the true spirit of Christmas, Jesus Christ, is to the holiday season.
Olin Brotnov (Andy) is debuting on the big (ger) stage after performing several small skits in children’s services run by his father. Being the middle of seven children, Olin’s other acting experience comes from convincing his parents that his sibling did it. Since his hobby is making stop motion films with Legos, Olin has appreciated the chance to see people experienced in similar work as they produce this story. Olin is employed full time until he resumes school next quarter. He is also a member of The Avenue youth staff of Cedar Park Bothell, and enjoys going to the Cedar Park college age group “The Exchange”.
David Potter (Art Cramer) founded Catalyst Drama with his wife Michelle over 15 years ago and serves as Catalyst’s artistic director. In that role, he has directed (and sometimes also acted in) numerous Christmas, Easter, and missions plays, including The Rented Christmas, Nativity on the Square, Home for Christmas, Bridge of Blood, and No Turning Back. He has also directed and acted for Fishnet Theatre (Happenstance Hotel, Annie Imes: Private Eye), and has acted in numerous plays for Cedar Park (Generations, Star, The Christmas Express, The Victor, etc.), the pinnacle of which was playing the part of our Lord.
David also founded Catalyst Worship Band and tours in prisons and youth detention centers. David works as software developer and has four children with his wife, Michelle, and now two grandchildren.
John Jones (Rudy Poznarski) is happy to return to the stage. John has performed in numerous Catalyst and Cedar Plays, including Home for Christmas, The Vision, and The Victor. John also tours with Catalyst Worship Band into prisons and youth detention centers and has enjoyed singing in the choir and playing handbells at Cedar Park.
Jessie Jordan (Marsha Poznarski): Jessie is thrilled to return with Catalyst after her last performance as Donna Fay in The Christmas Express, 2010. She has always enjoyed drama (some might even say she tends to be overly dramatic in everyday life!) and is currently acting with Fishnet Theatre in their production of The Trial of Derwood Divinhoff. Jessie has had the privilege of growing up at Cedar Park nearly her entire life, and has participated in multiple productions with the church, such as Generations, Star, and The Victor, both as a choir member and as a cast member. Jessie would like to thank her parents, Bob and Leslie, and her brothers and sisters (and brothers-in-law!) for their support and encouragement in these endeavors. She especially wants to thank her youngest sister, Karissa Jordan, for her help in memorizing the script for tonight!
John Brotnov (Mr. Smith) is a longtime children’s, men’s, and family pastor whose only previous roles were a storefront Santa and the man who hanged Nathan Hale. An advocate for shart creativity in ministry, John believes in Catalyst’s mission and has enjoyed being part of the production. John and his wife, Jenni, have successfully homeschooled for over 20 years, and continue to do so, since the youngest of their seven children just turned 13. John, with Jenni’s invaluable help and support, has built ministry teams, launched a church in the Detroit area, taught classes and seminars on marrriage, parenting, and fatherhood, and presented at pastoral conferences and workshops. When he’s not in full-time ministry, John works as a recruiter, presently for Allstate, and has his own leatherwork business.