Mission Statement

Catalyst Drama Mission Statement

Catalyst is an adult drama and worship ministry whose purpose is to challenge believers and unbelievers to increase their commitment to Christ and to encourage people to not be satisified with the status quo and to take their commitment to the Lord to the next level.  The ministry reaches out to its own members, to the body of Christ, and to those who might never enter a church.

Ministry to the body of Christ and beyond

Catalyst presents the Gospel to the body of Christ and beyond in the form of drama, selecting or writing scripts that challenge believers and unbelievers with the stories of sacrifice by missionaries and other saints.  We present these dramas to the church body at Cedar Park, other church bodies, para-church organizations, prisons, and juvenile detention centers.

Ministry to its members

Catalyst involves in ministry adults of all ages, ranging from college age through the senior years, who desire to serve the Lord by presenting His message through drama.  There are three main goals of this ministry to its members:

  1. Fellowship.  It is important to establish a sense of community among those who participate together in ministry, a sense of belonging, a safe place.  It is also important to establish something that is ongoing that doesn’t have to get recreated with each new production.  This allows people to be free to express themselves not only through the dramatic arts but also on a personal level.
  2. Training.  It is our desire to improve in our craft so that we can be a catalyst – an accelerating agent in the combination of two elements – in bringin people closer to the Lord.  As we improve in our skills, we can be more effective in delivering the message of our art.
  3. Do Drama and Worship.  We desire to do drama.  This is the common point that draws us together.  We desire to perform drama that has an impact on people’s lives.  At various times this could include comedy, serious drama, monologues, human videos, short sketches, and longer one- and multi-act plays.  We desire to worship our Lord and lead others in worship.  This is at the core of who we are as Christians – worshipers of Jesus Christ.
Published on September 15, 2008 at 3:07 am · Comments (0)

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